Other somatoform disorders

Trastorno de conversión
Conversion disorder

One or more symptoms or deficits in voluntary or sensory motor functions suggest a neurological or medical disease that is ruled out by medical testing. Psychological causes are found associated with the onset or worsening of symptoms. It must be differentiated from simulation, in which the person consciously tries to deceive to obtain some benefit.

Pain disorder

Pain is presented as the main symptom, which interferes with the person's well-being and daily life, but which cannot be explained medically. Psychological causes are found associated with the onset or worsening of symptoms.

Trastorno por dolor

Fear of having, or conviction of suffering from, a serious illness based on the erroneous interpretation of minor or unimportant physiological signs. The concern persists despite repeated medical examinations and explanations, as the person always ends up thinking that they have not had the necessary tests done or that the doctor did not trust them.

Body dysmorphic disorder

Preoccupation with some imagined defect in physical appearance (different from those of anorexia nervosa), for example, shape of the face, limbs, etc.

Trastorno dismórfico corporal