Eating Disorders

Often, at the base of these disorders is non-acceptance of one’s own body and low self-esteem. It is common for the person to suffer simultaneously, or alternatively, from two of these disorders, for example, anorexia and bulimia, bulimarexia, or bulimia and obesity.


It is characterized by an uncontrollable need to lose weight well below a healthy weight, either by eating little, or by using vomiting, laxatives, or excessive activity and insufficient rest.


Episodes of binge eating in a short period of time, with a feeling of loss of control over the act of eating. It is relatively common for a person to vomit after binge eating. És relativament freqüent que la persona vomiti després dels afartaments.


It is considered a psychological disorder when it is related to inappropriate eating habits, for example, snacking outside of meals, eating more than you need or foods that provide high levels of calories. Certain anxious or depressive states can lead to overeating.