Developmental disorders

Pervasive developmental disorders:

Pattern of abnormal behavior that affects social interaction (absence of eye contact, inappropriate facial expression and gesticulation, lack of social interest and empathy), language (delayed or absent speech or inability to maintain a conversation, absence of realistic play or imitative) and behavior in general, remaining preoccupied or absorbed in repetitive and unproductive activities or movements, or in parts of objects.

Trastorno de Asperger
Asperger's disorder

Qualitative alteration of social relationships, currently integrated into Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), without language impairment.


Pattern of behavior characterized by an inability to sit still, for example, moving hands or feet excessively, moving in the seat, getting up when one should remain seated, running or jumping when not playing, moving fast, talking too much, and shows impulsiveness, answering before the question is finished, skipping turns or interrupting others.

Déficit de atención
Attention deficit

He is often not attentive to details, makes mistakes or neglects things, does not seem to listen when spoken to, does not like activities that require sustained concentration, loses objects, and is easily distracted by any house.

Learning and communication disorders:
Trastorno de la lectura, cálculo o escritura
Reading, calculation or writing disorder

He presents an abnormally low performance in reading comprehension, calculation or writing, taking into account his age, education and IQ.

Expressive language disorder

Has very limited language, makes errors in verb tenses or experiences difficulties in difficulties in memorizing paraules or constructing complex phrases.

Trastorno del lenguaje expresivo
Trastorno fonológico
Phonological disorder

Inability to correctly pronounce the sounds of your language, substitution of one sound for another or omission of sounds such as final consonants.


Alteration of speech fluency that is usually characterized by repetitions of sounds and syllables, prolongations of sounds, pauses within words, blocks, silences or physical tension in pronunciation.

Psychomotor problems:
Coordination disorder

Performance in everyday activities that require motor coordination is significantly lower than expected for age and level of intelligence, for example, when crawling, walking, dropping objects from the hands, or appearing clumsy in basic sports activities.

Trastorno de la coordinación
Trastorno de la Tourette
Tourette's disorder

Motor or vocal tics that appear several times a day, for more than a year and without periods of more than 3 months free of tics (a tic is a sudden, rapid, recurring, non-rhythmic and involuntary vocalization or movement).