Addictive disorders

Even though the harmful effects outweigh the positive ones, the problem behavior persists and attempts to abandon it systematically fail. Addiction occurs not only in relation to the consumption of substances such as tobacco, psychotropic drugs, alcohol or other drugs, but also to other activities, for example, betting money or connecting to the Internet.


The need to perform the addictive behavior more and more often or with greater intensity to achieve the desired effect, which, if not increased, produces less and less effect on the person. It is accompanied by withdrawal symptoms, that is, significant discomfort when the addictive behavior cannot be carried out.


Carrying out addictive behavior with an intensity, quantity or frequency that poses a risk to health, or a danger to oneself or others, for example, driving, operating a machine or operating, under the influence of alcohol or other drugs , or, bet your entire salary on a game of cards.
