Psychotic disorders

Trastorno de somatización
Somatization disorder

In these cases, the medical examination does not detect organic causes of the patient's symptoms and they often end up being attributed to stress, without attempting to discover or treat the psychological causes of this stress.


Sleep is closely linked to circardian cycles, that is, to the biological patterns of our body. Thus, if the hours that a person's brain uses the most are from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., it will not be the same if they sleep from 24 p.m. to 8 a.m.; Having this shifted schedule can cause some sleep problems. In other cases, poor pre-sleep habits can make it difficult to fall asleep. Worries and anxiety are also a common cause of insomnia.

Disfunciones sexuales
Sexual dysfunctions

The main sexual dysfunctions in men are erection or impotence problems, premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation. In women, the absence of orgasm, pain during intercourse and lack of desire. In inhibited sexual desire, there is a decrease or absence of sexual fantasies or desire that causes problems in the person or in the relationship. In sex aversion, the person experiences a persistent or repeated refusal to maintain genital contact with their partner. In arousal disorder in women, lubrication does not occur. In erectile dysfunction or impotence, an erection does not occur, or it is insufficient or does not last long. In anorgasmia, orgasm is not achieved. In premature ejaculation, it occurs before or shortly after penetration, in any case, much earlier than desired (and it is not only due to the novelty of the sexual partner). In dyspareunia, persistent or recurrent genital pain occurs, and it can occur in both men and women. In vaginismus, involuntary spasms of the external third of the vagina occur that interfere with intercourse.