Lluís Maestre Clinical Psychologist

Lluís Maestre i Funtané

Psicòleg Col·legiat N°4213 Especialista en Psicologia Clínica

Aprofondir en temes de psicologia

Fer una consulta online

A psychological therapy is a cooperative work between the psychologist and the person who consults, which begins with the assessment of the emotional discomfort or symptoms, current and previous, and the exploration of the stressors that may have influenced it. Then, the therapeutic plan is drawn up and put into action, which includes the goals of the therapy and the techniques that will be used, among which I highlight exposure therapy, assertiveness training and therapy of behavioral activation, among the most effective.

Consultation Office

Lluís Maestre i Funtané Specialist in Clinical Psychology

Academic training

Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

Master’s in Drug Addiction by the University of Barcelona (UB)

Higher Diploma in Psychiatry and Medical Psychology from the UAB

Teaching activity carried out

Clinical tutor of the UAB Psychology Practicum

Collaborating professor of the Master’s in Drug Addictions at the UB

Tutor of Psychology at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

Professor in the course on Crisis of Anxiety at the University of Girona (UdG)

Clinical tutor for the Master’s in Behavioral Medicine at the UAB

Clinical experience

1987-1991 and 2008-17: Clinical psychologist, ATART Association

1991-2004: Assistant Psychologist at the Psychiatry and Psychology Service at the Hospital General de Catalunya

1998-2007: Clinical psychologist at the Psychiatry and Psychology Service at the Bofill Clinic

2007-2022: Private consultation office at Travessia de la Creu de Girona

2017-2023: Clinical psychologist of the Public Mental Health Network in Primary Care (IAS)

2023: Opening of the new private consultation office in Jaume I de Girona


2005: Obtaining the title of Psychologist Specialist in Clinical Psychology

Request an appointment

I understand that making the decision to make an appointment with a clinical psychology website can seem overwhelming, but let me tell you, it is a crucial step towards your emotional well-being. As a clinical psychologist, I am here to provide a safe and confidential space where you can explore your emotional concerns and challenges without judgment. Making an appointment online gives you the convenience of accessing professional help from the comfort of your own space, without having to worry about travel or time constraints.

On our platform, you’ll find qualified professionals who are committed to providing you with the support you need to effectively address your concerns. We’re here to listen to you, understand your individual needs, and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that’s right for you.

Remember that taking the first step can be intimidating, but it’s also an act of courage and self-compassion. Asking for an appointment on a clinical psychology website is the first step towards a path of personal growth and emotional well-being. I am here to accompany you on this journey and help you find the balance and peace of mind you deserve.

Lluís Maestre and Funtané - Doctoralia.es

What Services We Provide

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Consultation Office

Consultation Office

Avinguda Gran Via Jaume I, 35 Acc., 1r-1a 17001 Girona.

To arrange a visit:


678 69 96 96




€60 / visit